1/28/24- 1/29/24 Buffalo, New York



This workshop will cover every business aspect as well as the technical content you need to make this something EVERY client who has ever struggled with not having the thickness they have desired or the length they just cannot grow naturally or for impatient girls!

What you can expect:

✨Intimate Class Sizes

✨One on one attention

✨ Placements customized to certain looks

✨Custom Color Blending

✨Custom cutting/ blending haircuts

✨Finishing / Styling

✨Pricing breakdowns & package options

✨Maintenance & Proper at come care

✨Perfecting the content for social media and marketing extensions to your guests

✨1 hour Follow up/ Coaching call with me 1 month after your workshop for guidance and any Q&A you need / as well as support and a friend forever on your journey !

✨This is a TWO day workshop that will allow you to grow, come together sharing every step of the way breakdown of this incredible service for all guests! Included will be hands on practice for you to leave with everything you need to take back and I your salon!

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